Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- ExtendedPromisorInterface
- Expands on the react/promise PromisorInterface by returning an extended promise.
- CommandBuilder
- Helper class used to build application commands.
- ActionRow
- An Action Row is a non-interactive container component for other types of components.
- Button
- Buttons are interactive components that render in messages.
- ChannelSelect
- Select menu for channels.
- Component
- Components are a new field on the message object, so you can use them whether you're sending messages or responding to a slash command or other interaction.
- MentionableSelect
- Select menu for mentionables (users and roles).
- Option
- Option for select menu component.
- RoleSelect
- Select menu for roles.
- SelectMenu
- Select menus are interactive components that allow users to select one or more options from a dropdown list in messages.
- StringSelect
- Select menu for picking from defined text options.
- TextInput
- Text inputs are an interactive component that render on modals. They can be used to collect short-form or long-form text.
- UserSelect
- Select menu for users.
- MessageBuilder
- Helper class used to build messages.
- Command
- A message based command that the Command Client will listen for.
- Discord
- The Discord client class.
- DiscordCommandClient
- Provides an easy way to have triggerable message based commands.
- BufferTimedOutException
- Thrown when reading from a buffer times out.
- DCANotFoundException
- Thrown when DCA could not be found.
- FFmpegNotFoundException
- Thrown when the FFmpeg binary cannot be found in your PATH.
- FileNotFoundException
- Thrown when the client cannot find the file that was specified.
- IntentException
- Thrown when an invalid intent is given.
- InvalidOverwriteException
- LibSodiumNotFoundException
- Thrown when libsodium or libsodium-php cannot be found.
- OpusNotFoundException
- Thrown when FFmpeg is not compiled with libopus.
- OutdatedDCAException
- Thrown when the installed DCA version is outdated.
- PartRequestFailedException
- Thrown when a request that was executed from a part failed.
- Factory
- Exposes an interface to build part objects without the other requirements.
- BigInt
- Polyfill to handle big integer operation in 32 bit PHP using ext-gmp.
- Buffer
- CacheConfig
- Cache configuration class. To be used with Discord `cache` Options.
- CacheWrapper
- Wrapper for CacheInterface that store Repository items.
- Collection
- Collection of items. Inspired by Laravel Collections.
- Deferred
- Wrapper for extended promisor interface. Work-around until react/promise v3.0.
- Multipart
- Builds a multipart request.
- RegisteredCommand
- RegisteredCommand represents a command that has been registered with the Discord servers and has a handler to handle when the command is triggered.
- Attachment
- A message attachment.
- Channel
- A Channel can be either a text or voice channel on a Discord guild.
- Reaction
- An object that specifies the emoji to use as the default way to react to a forum post. Exactly one of `emoji_id` and `emoji_name` must be set.
- Tag
- An object that represents a tag that is able to be applied to a thread in a `GUILD_FORUM` channel.
- Invite
- An invite to a Channel and Guild.
- Message
- A message which is posted to a Discord text channel.
- Overwrite
- Channel Overwrite Class.
- Reaction
- Represents a reaction emoji to a message by members(s).
- StageInstance
- A Stage Instance holds information about a live stage.
- Webhook
- Webhooks are a low-effort way to post messages to channels in Discord. They do not require a bot user or authentication to use.
- Author
- The author of an embed object.
- Embed
- An embed object to be sent with a message.
- Field
- A field of an embed object.
- Footer
- The footer section of an embed.
- Image
- An image for an embed.
- Video
- A video for an embed.
- AuditLog
- Represents an audit log query from a guild.
- Entry
- Represents an entry in the audit log.
- Options
- Represents an object of options for different audit log action types.
- Action
- An action which will execute whenever a rule is triggered.
- Rule
- Auto Moderation is a feature which allows each guild to set up rules that trigger based on some criteria. For example, a rule can trigger whenever a message contains a specific keyword.
- Ban
- A Ban is a ban on a user specific to a guild. It is also IP based.
- CommandPermissions
- Guild Application Command Permissions Class.
- Emoji
- An emoji object represents a custom emoji.
- Guild
- A Guild is Discord's equivalent of a server. It contains all the Members, Channels, Roles, Bans etc.
- GuildTemplate
- A Guild Template is a code that when used, creates a guild based on a snapshot of an existing guild.
- Integration
- An Integration is a guild integrations for Twitch, Youtube, Bot and Apps.
- Role
- A role defines permissions for the guild. Members can be added to the role.
- ScheduledEvent
- A representation of a scheduled event in a guild.
- Sticker
- A sticker that can be sent in a Discord message.
- WelcomeChannel
- A Welcome Channel of a Guild.
- WelcomeScreen
- A Welcome Screen of a Guild.
- Widget
- A Widget of a Guild.
- Choice
- Choice represents a choice that can be given to a command.
- Command
- Represents a command registered on the Discord servers.
- Option
- Option represents an array of options that can be given to a command.
- Permission
- Application Command Permissions Class.
- Interaction
- Represents an interaction from Discord.
- Component
- Represents a component received with a message or interaction.
- InteractionData
- Represents the data associated with an interaction.
- Option
- Represents an option received with an interaction.
- Resolved
- Represents the data associated with an interaction.
- Application
- The OAuth2 application of the bot.
- Part
- This class is the base of all objects that are returned. All "Parts" extend off this base class.
- ChannelPermission
- Represents a set of permissions for a given channel overwrite.
- Permission
- Permission represents a set of permissions for a given role or overwrite.
- RolePermission
- Represents a set of permissions for a given role.
- Member
- Represents a member that belongs to a thread. Not the same as a user nor a guild member.
- Thread
- Represents a Discord thread.
- Activity
- The Activity part describes activities the member is undertaking.
- Client
- The client is the main interface for the client. Most calls on the main class are forwarded here.
- Member
- A member is a relationship between a user and a guild. It contains user-to-guild specific data like roles.
- User
- A user is a general user that is not attached to a guild.
- AutoModerationActionExecution
- Sent when a rule is triggered and an action is executed (e.g. when a message is blocked).
- MessageInteraction
- Sent on the message object when the message is a response to an Interaction without an existing message.
- MessageReaction
- Represents a specific reaction to a message by a specific user.
- PresenceUpdate
- A PresenceUpdate part is used when the `PRESENCE_UPDATE` event is fired on the WebSocket. It contains information about the users presence such as their status (online/away) and their current game.
- TypingStart
- A TypingStart part is used when the `TYPING_START` event is fired on the WebSocket. It contains information such as when the event was fired and then channel it was fired in.
- VoiceServerUpdate
- Tells the client that the voice channel's server has changed.
- VoiceStateUpdate
- Notifies the client of voice state updates about users.
- AbstractRepository
- Repositories provide a way to store and update parts on the Discord server.
- InviteRepository
- Contains invites of a channel.
- MessageRepository
- Contains messages sent to a channel.
- OverwriteRepository
- Contains permission overwrites for a channel.
- ReactionRepository
- Contains reactions on a message.
- StageInstanceRepository
- Contains a live stage instances channel.
- ThreadRepository
- Contains threads on a channel.
- VoiceMemberRepository
- Contains voice states for users in the voice channel.
- WebhookMessageRepository
- Contains messages sent to a channel from the webhook.
- WebhookRepository
- Contains webhooks for a channel.
- AutoModerationRuleRepository
- Contains auto moderation rules for a guild.
- BanRepository
- Contains bans for users of a guild.
- ChannelRepository
- Contains channels on a guild.
- CommandPermissionsRepository
- Contains permission overwrites for application guild commands.
- EmojiRepository
- Contains emojis of a guild.
- GuildCommandRepository
- Contains application guild commands.
- GuildTemplateRepository
- Contains guild templates of a guild.
- IntegrationRepository
- Contains integrations on a guild.
- InviteRepository
- Contains invites to a guild.
- MemberRepository
- Contains members of a guild.
- RoleRepository
- Contains roles of a guild.
- ScheduledEventRepository
- Contains scheduled events on a guild.
- StickerRepository
- Contains stickers of a guild.
- GuildRepository
- Contains guilds that the client is in.
- GlobalCommandRepository
- Contains application global commands.
- PrivateChannelRepository
- Contains private channels and groups that the client has access to.
- MemberRepository
- Contains members of a thread.
- UserRepository
- Contains users that the client shares guilds with.
- Buffer
- A Byte Buffer similar to Buffer in NodeJS.
- RecieveStream
- Handles recieving audio from Discord.
- VoiceClient
- The Discord voice client.
- VoicePacket
- A voice packet received from Discord.
- Event
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationActionExecution
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationRuleCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationRuleDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationRuleUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelPinsUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildAuditLogEntryCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildBanAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildBanRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildEmojisUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildIntegrationsUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildMemberAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildMemberRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildMemberUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildRoleCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildRoleDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildRoleUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventUserAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventUserRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildStickersUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- IntegrationCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- IntegrationDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- IntegrationUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- InteractionCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- InviteCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- InviteDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageDeleteBulk
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionRemoveAll
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionRemoveEmoji
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- PresenceUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- StageInstanceCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- StageInstanceDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- StageInstanceUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadListSync
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadMembersUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadMemberUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- TypingStart
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- UserUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- VoiceServerUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- VoiceStateUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- WebhooksUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- Handlers
- This class contains all the handlers for the individual WebSocket events.
- Intents
- Contains constants used in intents.
- Op
- Contains constants used in websockets.
- CommandAttributes
- Application Command attributes.
Table of Contents
- COLORTABLE = ['indianred' => 0xcd5c5c, 'lightcoral' => 0xf08080, 'salmon' => 0xfa8072, 'darksalmon' => 0xe9967a, 'lightsalmon' => 0xffa07a, 'crimson' => 0xdc143c, 'red' => 0xff0000, 'firebrick' => 0xb22222, 'darkred' => 0x8b0000, 'pink' => 0xffc0cb, 'lightpink' => 0xffb6c1, 'hotpink' => 0xff69b4, 'deeppink' => 0xff1493, 'mediumvioletred' => 0xc71585, 'palevioletred' => 0xdb7093, 'lightsalmon' => 0xffa07a, 'coral' => 0xff7f50, 'tomato' => 0xff6347, 'orangered' => 0xff4500, 'darkorange' => 0xff8c00, 'orange' => 0xffa500, 'gold' => 0xffd700, 'yellow' => 0xffff00, 'lightyellow' => 0xffffe0, 'lemonchiffon' => 0xfffacd, 'lightgoldenrodyellow' => 0xfafad2, 'papayawhip' => 0xffefd5, 'moccasin' => 0xffe4b5, 'peachpuff' => 0xffdab9, 'palegoldenrod' => 0xeee8aa, 'khaki' => 0xf0e68c, 'darkkhaki' => 0xbdb76b, 'lavender' => 0xe6e6fa, 'thistle' => 0xd8bfd8, 'plum' => 0xdda0dd, 'violet' => 0xee82ee, 'orchid' => 0xda70d6, 'fuchsia' => 0xff00ff, 'magenta' => 0xff00ff, 'mediumorchid' => 0xba55d3, 'mediumpurple' => 0x9370db, 'rebeccapurple' => 0x663399, 'blueviolet' => 0x8a2be2, 'darkviolet' => 0x9400d3, 'darkorchid' => 0x9932cc, 'darkmagenta' => 0x8b008b, 'purple' => 0x800080, 'indigo' => 0x4b0082, 'slateblue' => 0x6a5acd, 'darkslateblue' => 0x483d8b, 'mediumslateblue' => 0x7b68ee, 'greenyellow' => 0xadff2f, 'chartreuse' => 0x7fff00, 'lawngreen' => 0x7cfc00, 'lime' => 0xff00, 'limegreen' => 0x32cd32, 'palegreen' => 0x98fb98, 'lightgreen' => 0x90ee90, 'mediumspringgreen' => 0xfa9a, 'springgreen' => 0xff7f, 'mediumseagreen' => 0x3cb371, 'seagreen' => 0x2e8b57, 'forestgreen' => 0x228b22, 'green' => 0x8000, 'darkgreen' => 0x6400, 'yellowgreen' => 0x9acd32, 'olivedrab' => 0x6b8e23, 'olive' => 0x808000, 'darkolivegreen' => 0x556b2f, 'mediumaquamarine' => 0x66cdaa, 'darkseagreen' => 0x8fbc8b, 'lightseagreen' => 0x20b2aa, 'darkcyan' => 0x8b8b, 'teal' => 0x8080, 'aqua' => 0xffff, 'cyan' => 0xffff, 'lightcyan' => 0xe0ffff, 'paleturquoise' => 0xafeeee, 'aquamarine' => 0x7fffd4, 'turquoise' => 0x40e0d0, 'mediumturquoise' => 0x48d1cc, 'darkturquoise' => 0xced1, 'cadetblue' => 0x5f9ea0, 'steelblue' => 0x4682b4, 'lightsteelblue' => 0xb0c4de, 'powderblue' => 0xb0e0e6, 'lightblue' => 0xadd8e6, 'skyblue' => 0x87ceeb, 'lightskyblue' => 0x87cefa, 'deepskyblue' => 0xbfff, 'dodgerblue' => 0x1e90ff, 'cornflowerblue' => 0x6495ed, 'mediumslateblue' => 0x7b68ee, 'royalblue' => 0x4169e1, 'blue' => 0xff, 'mediumblue' => 0xcd, 'darkblue' => 0x8b, 'navy' => 0x80, 'midnightblue' => 0x191970, 'cornsilk' => 0xfff8dc, 'blanchedalmond' => 0xffebcd, 'bisque' => 0xffe4c4, 'navajowhite' => 0xffdead, 'wheat' => 0xf5deb3, 'burlywood' => 0xdeb887, 'tan' => 0xd2b48c, 'rosybrown' => 0xbc8f8f, 'sandybrown' => 0xf4a460, 'goldenrod' => 0xdaa520, 'darkgoldenrod' => 0xb8860b, 'peru' => 0xcd853f, 'chocolate' => 0xd2691e, 'saddlebrown' => 0x8b4513, 'sienna' => 0xa0522d, 'brown' => 0xa52a2a, 'maroon' => 0x800000, 'white' => 0xffffff, 'snow' => 0xfffafa, 'honeydew' => 0xf0fff0, 'mintcream' => 0xf5fffa, 'azure' => 0xf0ffff, 'aliceblue' => 0xf0f8ff, 'ghostwhite' => 0xf8f8ff, 'whitesmoke' => 0xf5f5f5, 'seashell' => 0xfff5ee, 'beige' => 0xf5f5dc, 'oldlace' => 0xfdf5e6, 'floralwhite' => 0xfffaf0, 'ivory' => 0xfffff0, 'antiquewhite' => 0xfaebd7, 'linen' => 0xfaf0e6, 'lavenderblush' => 0xfff0f5, 'mistyrose' => 0xffe4e1, 'gainsboro' => 0xdcdcdc, 'lightgray' => 0xd3d3d3, 'silver' => 0xc0c0c0, 'darkgray' => 0xa9a9a9, 'gray' => 0x808080, 'dimgray' => 0x696969, 'lightslategray' => 0x778899, 'slategray' => 0x708090, 'darkslategray' => 0x2f4f4f, 'black' => 0x0]
- The HTML Color Table.
- mentioned() : bool
- Checks to see if a part has been mentioned.
- getColor() : int
- Get int value for color.
- contains() : bool
- Checks if a string contains an array of phrases.
- studly() : string
- Converts a string to studlyCase.
- poly_strlen() : int
- Polyfill to check if mbstring is installed.
- imageToBase64() : string
- Converts a file to base64 representation.
- getSnowflakeTimestamp() : float
- Takes a snowflake and calculates the time that the snowflake was generated.
- escapeMarkdown() : string
- Escape various Discord formatting and markdown into a plain text: _Italics_, **Bold**, __Underline__, ~~Strikethrough~~, ||spoiler|| `Code`, ```Code block```, > Quotes, >>> Block quotes #Channel @User A backslash will be added before the each formatting symbol.
- deferFind() : Promise
- Run a deferred search in array.
- nowait() : mixed
- Attempts to return a resolved value from a synchronous promise.
The HTML Color Table.
array<string|int, mixed>
= ['indianred' => 0xcd5c5c, 'lightcoral' => 0xf08080, 'salmon' => 0xfa8072, 'darksalmon' => 0xe9967a, 'lightsalmon' => 0xffa07a, 'crimson' => 0xdc143c, 'red' => 0xff0000, 'firebrick' => 0xb22222, 'darkred' => 0x8b0000, 'pink' => 0xffc0cb, 'lightpink' => 0xffb6c1, 'hotpink' => 0xff69b4, 'deeppink' => 0xff1493, 'mediumvioletred' => 0xc71585, 'palevioletred' => 0xdb7093, 'lightsalmon' => 0xffa07a, 'coral' => 0xff7f50, 'tomato' => 0xff6347, 'orangered' => 0xff4500, 'darkorange' => 0xff8c00, 'orange' => 0xffa500, 'gold' => 0xffd700, 'yellow' => 0xffff00, 'lightyellow' => 0xffffe0, 'lemonchiffon' => 0xfffacd, 'lightgoldenrodyellow' => 0xfafad2, 'papayawhip' => 0xffefd5, 'moccasin' => 0xffe4b5, 'peachpuff' => 0xffdab9, 'palegoldenrod' => 0xeee8aa, 'khaki' => 0xf0e68c, 'darkkhaki' => 0xbdb76b, 'lavender' => 0xe6e6fa, 'thistle' => 0xd8bfd8, 'plum' => 0xdda0dd, 'violet' => 0xee82ee, 'orchid' => 0xda70d6, 'fuchsia' => 0xff00ff, 'magenta' => 0xff00ff, 'mediumorchid' => 0xba55d3, 'mediumpurple' => 0x9370db, 'rebeccapurple' => 0x663399, 'blueviolet' => 0x8a2be2, 'darkviolet' => 0x9400d3, 'darkorchid' => 0x9932cc, 'darkmagenta' => 0x8b008b, 'purple' => 0x800080, 'indigo' => 0x4b0082, 'slateblue' => 0x6a5acd, 'darkslateblue' => 0x483d8b, 'mediumslateblue' => 0x7b68ee, 'greenyellow' => 0xadff2f, 'chartreuse' => 0x7fff00, 'lawngreen' => 0x7cfc00, 'lime' => 0xff00, 'limegreen' => 0x32cd32, 'palegreen' => 0x98fb98, 'lightgreen' => 0x90ee90, 'mediumspringgreen' => 0xfa9a, 'springgreen' => 0xff7f, 'mediumseagreen' => 0x3cb371, 'seagreen' => 0x2e8b57, 'forestgreen' => 0x228b22, 'green' => 0x8000, 'darkgreen' => 0x6400, 'yellowgreen' => 0x9acd32, 'olivedrab' => 0x6b8e23, 'olive' => 0x808000, 'darkolivegreen' => 0x556b2f, 'mediumaquamarine' => 0x66cdaa, 'darkseagreen' => 0x8fbc8b, 'lightseagreen' => 0x20b2aa, 'darkcyan' => 0x8b8b, 'teal' => 0x8080, 'aqua' => 0xffff, 'cyan' => 0xffff, 'lightcyan' => 0xe0ffff, 'paleturquoise' => 0xafeeee, 'aquamarine' => 0x7fffd4, 'turquoise' => 0x40e0d0, 'mediumturquoise' => 0x48d1cc, 'darkturquoise' => 0xced1, 'cadetblue' => 0x5f9ea0, 'steelblue' => 0x4682b4, 'lightsteelblue' => 0xb0c4de, 'powderblue' => 0xb0e0e6, 'lightblue' => 0xadd8e6, 'skyblue' => 0x87ceeb, 'lightskyblue' => 0x87cefa, 'deepskyblue' => 0xbfff, 'dodgerblue' => 0x1e90ff, 'cornflowerblue' => 0x6495ed, 'mediumslateblue' => 0x7b68ee, 'royalblue' => 0x4169e1, 'blue' => 0xff, 'mediumblue' => 0xcd, 'darkblue' => 0x8b, 'navy' => 0x80, 'midnightblue' => 0x191970, 'cornsilk' => 0xfff8dc, 'blanchedalmond' => 0xffebcd, 'bisque' => 0xffe4c4, 'navajowhite' => 0xffdead, 'wheat' => 0xf5deb3, 'burlywood' => 0xdeb887, 'tan' => 0xd2b48c, 'rosybrown' => 0xbc8f8f, 'sandybrown' => 0xf4a460, 'goldenrod' => 0xdaa520, 'darkgoldenrod' => 0xb8860b, 'peru' => 0xcd853f, 'chocolate' => 0xd2691e, 'saddlebrown' => 0x8b4513, 'sienna' => 0xa0522d, 'brown' => 0xa52a2a, 'maroon' => 0x800000, 'white' => 0xffffff, 'snow' => 0xfffafa, 'honeydew' => 0xf0fff0, 'mintcream' => 0xf5fffa, 'azure' => 0xf0ffff, 'aliceblue' => 0xf0f8ff, 'ghostwhite' => 0xf8f8ff, 'whitesmoke' => 0xf5f5f5, 'seashell' => 0xfff5ee, 'beige' => 0xf5f5dc, 'oldlace' => 0xfdf5e6, 'floralwhite' => 0xfffaf0, 'ivory' => 0xfffff0, 'antiquewhite' => 0xfaebd7, 'linen' => 0xfaf0e6, 'lavenderblush' => 0xfff0f5, 'mistyrose' => 0xffe4e1, 'gainsboro' => 0xdcdcdc, 'lightgray' => 0xd3d3d3, 'silver' => 0xc0c0c0, 'darkgray' => 0xa9a9a9, 'gray' => 0x808080, 'dimgray' => 0x696969, 'lightslategray' => 0x778899, 'slategray' => 0x708090, 'darkslategray' => 0x2f4f4f, 'black' => 0x0]
HTML Color Table.
Checks to see if a part has been mentioned.
mentioned(Part|string $part, Message $message) : bool
Return values
bool —Whether the part was mentioned.
Get int value for color.
getColor(int|string $color) : int
- $color : int|string
The color's int, hexcode or htmlname.
Return values
int —color
Checks if a string contains an array of phrases.
contains(string $string, array<string|int, mixed> $matches) : bool
- $string : string
The string to check.
- $matches : array<string|int, mixed>
Array containing one or more phrases to match.
Return values
bool —studly()
Converts a string to studlyCase.
studly(string $string) : string
- $string : string
The string to convert.
Return values
string —poly_strlen()
Polyfill to check if mbstring is installed.
poly_strlen(string $str) : int
- $str : string
Return values
int —imageToBase64()
Converts a file to base64 representation.
imageToBase64(string $filepath) : string
- $filepath : string
Return values
string —getSnowflakeTimestamp()
Takes a snowflake and calculates the time that the snowflake was generated.
getSnowflakeTimestamp(string|float $snowflake) : float
- $snowflake : string|float
Return values
float —escapeMarkdown()
Escape various Discord formatting and markdown into a plain text: _Italics_, **Bold**, __Underline__, ~~Strikethrough~~, ||spoiler|| `Code`, ```Code block```, > Quotes, >>> Block quotes #Channel @User A backslash will be added before the each formatting symbol.
escapeMarkdown(string $text) : string
- $text : string
Return values
string —the escaped string unformatted as plain text
Run a deferred search in array.
deferFind(array<string|int, mixed>|object $array, callable $callback[, LoopInterface|null $loop = null ]) : Promise
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>|object
Traversable, use $collection->getIterator() if searching in Collection
- $callback : callable
The filter function to run
- $loop : LoopInterface|null = null
Loop interface, use $discord->getLoop()
Return values
Promise —nowait()
Attempts to return a resolved value from a synchronous promise.
nowait(PromiseInterface $promiseInterface) : mixed
Like await() but only for resolvable blocking promise without touching the loop.
- $promiseInterface : PromiseInterface
The synchronous promise.
Return values
mixed —null if failed to return.