Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationActionExecution
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationRuleCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationRuleDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- AutoModerationRuleUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelPinsUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ChannelUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildAuditLogEntryCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildBanAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildBanRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildEmojisUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildIntegrationsUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildMemberAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildMemberRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildMemberUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildRoleCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildRoleDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildRoleUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventUserAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildScheduledEventUserRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildStickersUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- GuildUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- IntegrationCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- IntegrationDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- IntegrationUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- InteractionCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- InviteCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- InviteDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageDeleteBulk
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionAdd
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionRemove
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionRemoveAll
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageReactionRemoveEmoji
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- MessageUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- PresenceUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- StageInstanceCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- StageInstanceDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- StageInstanceUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadCreate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadDelete
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadListSync
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadMembersUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadMemberUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- ThreadUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- TypingStart
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- UserUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- VoiceServerUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- VoiceStateUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.
- WebhooksUpdate
- Contains constants for WebSocket events as well as handlers for the events.