DiscordPHP Documentation


Interactions are utilized in message components and slash commands.


name type description
id string id of the interaction.
applicationid string id of the application associated to the interaction.
int type type of interaction.
data ?InteractionData data associated with the interaction.
guild ?Guild guild interaction was triggered from, null if DM.
channel ?Channel channel interaction was triggered from.
member ?Member member that triggered interaction.
user User user that triggered interaction.
token string internal token for responding to interaction.
version int version of interaction.
message ?Message message that triggered interaction.
locale ?string The selected language of the invoking user.
guildlocale ?string The guild’s preferred locale, if invoked in a guild.

The locale list can be seen on Discord API reference.

Functions on interaction create

The following functions are used to respond an interaction after being created Event::INTERACTION_CREATE, responding interaction with wrong type throws a LogicException

name description valid for interaction type
acknowledgeWithResponse(?bool $ephemeral) acknowledges the interaction, creating a placeholder response to be updated APPLICATION_COMMAND, MESSAGE_COMPONENT, MODAL_SUBMIT
acknowledge() defer the interaction MESSAGE_COMPONENT, MODAL_SUBMIT
respondWithMessage(MessageBuilder $builder, ?bool $ephemeral) responds to the interaction with a message. ephemeral is default false APPLICATION_COMMAND, MESSAGE_COMPONENT, MODAL_SUBMIT
autoCompleteResult(array $choices) responds a suggestion to options with auto complete APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE
showModal(string $title, string $custom_id, array $components, ?callable $submit = null) responds to the interaction with a popup modal other than PING and MODAL_SUBMIT

Functions after interaction response

The following functions can be only used after interaction respond above, otherwise throws a RuntimeException “Interaction has not been responded to.”

name description return
updateMessage(MessageBuilder $message) updates the message the interaction was triggered from. only for message component interaction Promise
getOriginalResponse() gets the original interaction response Promise
updateOriginalResponse(MessageBuilder $message) updates the original interaction response Promise
deleteOriginalResponse() deletes the original interaction response Promise
sendFollowUpMessage(MessageBuilder $builder, ?bool $ephemeral) sends a follow up message to the interaction. ephemeral is defalt false Promise
getFollowUpMessage(string $message_id) gets a non ephemeral follow up message from the interaction Promise
updateFollowUpMessage(string $message_id, MessageBuilder $builder) updates the follow up message of the interaction Promise
deleteFollowUpMessage(string $message_id) deletes a follow up message from the interaction Promise

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